16:30 Registration and coffee
16:50 Official welcome and Introduction to event agenda
17:10 «The co-operative business model: more stable, competitive and decent work» | Andrea Dávila, International Labour Organisation, Cooperative Unit.
17:30 Introduction to ECOOPE: Project overview and goals | José C. Ceballos
17:40 Presentation of ECOOPE’s Evaluation Methodology Tool | Minna Hämäläinen LUT, Finland
18:00 Round table: «Co-operative entrepreneurship: a tool for a sustainable, viable future for European youth»
María Ubarretxena | Arrasate/Mondragón Mayor
Cynthia Lynn Giagnocavo | ICA Research Board
Laura Ferri | IES Massamagrell
Elena Badeanschi | Fed. Cooperazione Trentina
Moderator: Sarah Alldred | Co-operative College UK
(End of day 1: 19:30)
09:00 Introduction to agenda
09:05 Presentation of ECOOPE’s Good Practice Guide | Dana T. Redford (PEEP)
09:35 Good practice expert panel and ECOOPE Awards
Adoración Mozas | CIRIEC Spain
Richard Hull | Goldsmiths College, University of London
Martin Strauss | Schülergenossenschaften
Moderator: Ilana Gotz | EURICSE
10:20 Coffee & Networking
10:40 Workshop: Lean start-up as a tool to solve co-operative challenges | Néstor Guerra and Aday Guerra
12:40 Presentation of ECOOPE’s Secondary education Pilot programme | J. Vallina (Valnalón) + Participants in the pilot
13:10 Higher Education Pilot programme presentation | J. C. Ceballos (CISE), Joao J. Pinto Ferreira (UPORTO) + Participants in the pilot
13:40 Closing
(End of event: 14:00)
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